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What is the RD Mentorship Program?
The RD Mentorship Program was created to help build bonds between registered dietitian (RD) professionals and nutrition students. Our main goal is to facilitate a professional experiential learning opportunity for nutrition students, while helping RDs on a project. RD mentors will be matched with undergraduate juniors or seniors or graduate nutrition students who are preparing to become registered dietitians. The main role of the RD mentor is to provide their mentee with advice on project-specific duties, career path guidance, and professionalism. They also will provide motivation and serve as a role model. The main role of the student mentee is to learn about the field of dietetics by assisting their mentor with identified projects.

When was this program established?
Dr. Kristen Roof and Dr. Karen Beathard founded this program in 2016. This program continues to expand its reach and scope.
What are the benefits of participating?
For the mentor, this program is a great way to enhance your mentoring skills and gain valuable assistance on a project. Every commitment comes with responsibilities, therefore mentors are expected to act professionally when engaging with their mentee.
For the mentee, this program provides the opportunity to gain experience working one-on-one with an RD. Ultimately, the mentor-mentee pair should work together to accomplish a project.

What resources are provided to help assist mentors and mentees?

Virtual Welcome Reception
- Designed to enhance communication and understanding of the logistics of the
mentor-mentee program and promote professional networking
Professional Development CEU Workshops
- Designed to promote professional development (e.g. leadership, mentoring skills, communication strategies) for mentors and mentees
Virtual Closing Reception
- Discussion of various products and experiences from participants. Provide feedback to research personnel and to other participants.​
Mentor - Mentee Agreement
- Designed to help the mentor/mentee pair establish communication expectations, identify goals for this mentoring relationship, and outline skill areas to be enhanced or developed through this partnership
Mentoring Log
- Designed to help the mentee log topics discussed at meetings
- Intended to enhance communication and continuity by highlighting meeting content and projects
Mid - Semester Evaluation
- Designed to provide feedback and allow for interim program modifications as needed
Program Website:
- Designed to enhance communication, provide digital resources, and useful information throughout the
RD Mentorship Program

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